Have you been charged with a criminal offense in Lebanon, Ohio? We understand that being charged with a crime is a stressful experience. Allows us at Ernst & Associates, LLC to help you defend against the charges. Our Lebanon, Ohio, criminal defense attorneys have a proven track record of defending clients’ rights. We offer criminal defense services for a wide range of charges including drug offenses, DUI, white-collar crimes, theft and property crimes, and violent crimes. Our legal defense strategies are tailored to each client’s unique situation.
Types of Criminal Defense Services Offered
Whether you have been charged with a violent crime, white collar crime, or other types of offenses, our legal team at Ernst & Associates, LLC is well-versed in a wide range of criminal defense cases.
DUI Defense
If you are found driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level of 0.08 percent or higher, you will likely be charged with a DUI. The legal threshold for BAC is less for commercial drivers and drivers under the age of 21. With a criminal conviction, you could face a driver’s license suspension, hefty fines, jail time, and other consequences.
Our criminal defense lawyers will thoroughly review your case—including the circumstances of your DUI arrest—to determine the best legal strategy to defend against the charges. If the police didn’t have probable cause to stop you, we can challenge the legality of the stop. We can also challenge the accuracy of the field sobriety tests and investigate whether proper protocols and procedures were followed during the tariff stop. Other defenses to DUI charges include rising blood alcohol levels and errors in chemical testing.
Drug-Related Charges
Ohio has a wide range of drug-related charges such as drug possession, drug manufacturing or cultivation, and drug trafficking. Several factors are considered when determining the charges for drug crimes in Ohio, including the type of drug, quantity, and prior history of the suspect.
Whether you are accused of possessing a small amount of a drug or trafficking large quantities, our attorneys will work tirelessly until they get you the best legal outcome from the case. The most commonly used defenses in drug charges include illegal search and seizure and challenging the validity of the evidence.
Violent Crimes
Violent crimes, such as assault, battery, or homicide, are some of the most serious offenses you can be charged with in Lebanon. Fortunately, Ernst & Associates, LLC knows how to defend against such charges. Our skilled criminal defense attorneys can employ various strategies to defend against the chase. Legal defenses could include proving your alleged actions as an act of self-defense or demonstrating that there was a lack of intent.
Theft and Property Crimes
Theft and property crimes include vandalism, shoplifting, burglary, and other offenses where you either unlawfully take someone else’s property or cause damage to it. We can defend against theft and property crimes by thoroughly examining the evidence to choose the most suitable legal strategy, such as exposing procedure errors, showing mistaken identity, proving lack of intent, or establishing an alibi.
White-Collar Crimes
Although white-collar crimes are not violent, they can often result in serious legal consequences. White-collar crimes include fraud, money laundering, embezzlement, tax evasion, and insider trading. The penalties for such crimes can include imprisonment and fines. These cases require a Lebanon criminal attorney who has in-depth knowledge of both criminal law and financial regulations. At Ernst & Associates, LLC, we have the skills, experience, and resources to defend against white-collar crime charges.
Juvenile Offenses
When a minor is charged with a crime in Lebanon, Ohio, the legal process is different from that of an adult. Defending juvenile offenses involves unique challenges, which our legal team at Ernst & Associates, LLC understands thoroughly. With our experience in defending juveniles, we can help our young clients obtain fair treatment through the criminal justice system.
Expungement and Record Sealing
One of the biggest consequences of being convicted of a crime is that you get a criminal record, which can follow you for the rest of your life. It can cast a shadow on your future, including your employment and housing prospects.
At Ernst & Associates, LLC, we know how to navigate the process of expungement and record sealing, helping you achieve a fresh start. Not all types of offenses can be expunged or sealed, so we will have to evaluate your case to guide you on your legal options.
Why Choose Ernst & Associates?
While many law firms can claim they specialize in a wide range of criminal cases, only a few have the track record to support their claims. At our criminal defense law firm in Lebanon, we have a proven history of success, with numerous clients who have benefited from our dedicated legal representation. Not only do we handle all the legal aspects related to the criminal case, but we can also provide our clients with the needed emotional support and guidance through the process.
At Ernst & Associates, LLC, we offer comprehensive legal support covering everything from minor misdemeanors to serious felonies. As each case is unique, we believe in offering tailored legal services based on the needs of each case. We have experience in all types of legal cases to defend against a criminal charge. In some cases, a plea bargain offers a more favorable outcome than a trial. However, our goal is to get the best outcome for our client. If that requires taking the case to trial, we don’t hesitate.
When you are ready to get legal assistance for criminal charges in Lebanon, Ohio, call us to schedule a free consultation with our criminal defense lawyer. In the initial consultation, our attorneys will guide you on your legal options and help you understand the charges and legal implications against you so you can make informed decisions.